We highly advise editing E-Alerts after communicating with leads and learning exactly what they are looking for in a new home. Doing so is easy within the Lead Details page.
Getting Started
From the Action Menu on the right side of the CRM, select the E-Alerts tab. You will see a list of any current E-Alerts that are configured for the selected lead.
On the right side, you will see three icons:
- The view (blue) icon allows you to see a preview of the properties that will be via the associated E-Alert
- The edit (orange) icon allows you to modify the configuration of the E-Alert
- The delete (red) icon allows you to remove the E-Alert entirely. Be careful, because this action can't be undone.
System Generated E-Alerts
Each lead that signs up through your Great Agent website will automatically be assigned a system generated E-Alert. The criteria within the E-Alert is based on the leads browsing habits on your website; specifically location (e.g. zip code) and price range.
A system generated E-Alert is denoted with a blue System label. If the label is missing, it indicates that the E-Alert has been edited.
Why was the lead sent properties that didn't match the E-Alert settings?
Sometimes you will notice that an E-Alert contains properties that don't match the settings defined in the system generated E-Alert. Based on the E-Alert settings, we attempt to send properties that are new on the market or have been price reduced since the previous E-Alert had been sent.
If no properties match the defined E-Alert settings, Great Agent will expand the price range and location criteria set within the system generated E-Alert to ensure that leads are still receiving property updates from you. This is done in an effort to keep you top of mind.
Once an E-Alert has been edited, only properties that exactly match the criteria defined within the E-Alert will be sent to leads.
Adding & Editing an E-Alert
By clicking the Add E-Alert or the edit (orange) button, you will have the ability to edit the various criteria available through your MLS. You can set the location, price range, beds/baths, etc...
Additionally, you can specify specific advanced critieria (e.g. Gated Community).
After configuring the E-Alert, you can change the subject name and frequency (e.g. Daily, Twice a Week, etc). We advise setting the frequency to instant if the lead has criteria which don't often come on the market.
Make sure to save your changes and your lead will start receiving new E-Alerts with your designated criteria.