You can customize the location of properties sent within a lead's E-Alerts by using the Draw on Map functionality within the Add/Edit E-Alert section. This gives you the flexibility the more specifically define a location beyond using things like city names and zip codes. 

How it Works

To specify which area you want to be included within an E-Alert, click the Draw button at the bottom of the map. From there, you will click the various points on a map that outline the desired area. You can also click and drag any of the points (white dots) to modify the location after the area is defined. 

Starting Over

If you wish to start the drawing process over, click the Clear button, which will remove any previously drawn areas from the map. Then click the Draw button to begin the process again.

Drawing Multiple Areas

At this time, Great Agent does not support drawing multiple areas on the map. A workaround would be creating one E-Alert with all of the desired criteria, then copying that E-Alert and modifying only the Draw on Map area.

To learn more about E-Alerts, click here